ΔΚΚHot Springs, AR |
Chapter Name:
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Delta Kappa Kappa
883 www.facebook.com/DKKOPP PO Box 20442 Hot Springs, AR 71909 deltakappakappa2018@gmail.com |
Vice-Basileus: KRS: KF: Chaplain: Editor: |
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About Delta Kappa Kappa |
The idea to organize a graduate chapter of Omega Psi Phi was conceived in a conversation between Brother Benjamin G. Williams and Brother Nathaniel Freeman who recently had transferred to Hot Springs, Arkansas, from North Carolina. Brother was a member of the sixth (6) District, Plymouth/New Bern, North Carolina chapter. Brother Nathaniel Freeman united with Roanoke Baptist Church where he met Brother Benjamin G. Williams and became friends. This is where our discussion of Omega Psi Phi first started
During our conversation, Brother Benjamin G.Williams expressed a strong desire to organize a chapter and knew of Brothers who lived in Hot Springs who may have an interest also. He also was a friend of Brother James Wise, of the ninth (9) Districts, who would be a great resource to help organize the chapter.
Brother B.G. Williams made contact with other Brothers he knew in Hot Springs and the Brothers were definitely interested.
Contact was made with Brother James Wise of Little Rock by Brother Benjamin G.Williams. Brother James Wise traveled to Hot Springs and met at Brother Freeman’s home along with Brother Benjamin G. Williams to start the process of organizing a graduate chapter for the Hot Springs area.
Brother James Wise helped with the paperwork to get the Hot Springs Chapter started. After the paperwork was completed, I was introduced to Brother Virgil Robinson, District Representative, who worked with us in getting all the necessary documents needed to the Grand Chapter. During the process we were advised we could start having meetings unofficially with the Brothers in Hot Springs would were interested in starting the chapter. Our first meeting convened at Roanoke Baptist Church. The founding Brothers involved/present were Brother Nathaniel Freeman, Brother Benjamin G. Williams, Brother Birches Williams, Brother James Davis, Brother Leon Massey, Brother Warren Frazier, Brother Julius Stevenson, Brother, Suleiman R.S. Adel, I, and Brother Arthur Anderson. Brother Nathaniel
We were officially chartered July 12, 1995.
Brother Nathaniel Freeman was elected the first official Basileus of the chapter.