ΑΙΙDallas, TX |
Chapter Name:
Chapter Number: Chapter Web Site: Chapter Address: Chapter E-mail: Contact Name: Contact #: Contact E-mail:
Alpha Iota Iota
856 www.northdallasques.com PO Box 795293 Dallas, TX 75379 alphaiotaiotakrs@oppf.org |
Vice-Basileus: KRS: KF: Chaplain: Editor: |
None Listed
None Listed None Listed Horace Payne None Listed None Listed |
About Alpha Iota Iota |
Omega Psi Phi Fraternity Incorporated Alpha Iota Iota Chapter was chartered on 15 September 1989.
The chapter charter was signed by the following grand officers: Moses Norman Grand Basileus, M Zann First Vice Grand Basileus, Alonzo Conhen Second Vice Grand Basileus, Willie Smith Grand Keeper of Record and Seal, Kenneth Brown Grand Keeper of Finance, Lloyd J. xxx Grand Counselor, Bernard District Representative, John S Epps Executive Secretary.
Alpha Iota Iota will provide programs and services for the North Dallas Community. Our mission is achieved by our members and affiliates for the purpose of:
Chapter – Basileus Key Events:
Brother William Burls 1989 – 1991
Brother William Green 1991 – 1993
Brother Earl Simpkins 1993 – 1994
Brother Sterling Cannon 1994 – 1996
Brother Earnest Burke 1996 – 1998 & 2000 - 2002
Brother Harry Anderson 1998 – 2000
Brother Julius Chambers 2002 – 2004
Brother Norris Bishop 2004 – 2006
Brother Michael Hartman 2006 – 2008
Brother Wayne Powe 2008 – 2010
Brother Marvin Sorey 2010 – 2012
Brother Ron Turner 2012 to Present
During the late 1980s, Omega men living in the North Dallas corridor contemplated the formation of a new graduate chapter. Beginning in the latter half of 1988, two Omega men with a great sense of vision recognized the major impact a chapter of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity would have on the Plano, Richardson, Garland and Carrollton communities. These men, Brothers Earl Simpkins and William Burls, interacted with the South Dallas Chapter, Theta Alpha, to obtain the names and addresses of the majority of Omega men (affiliated and non-affiliated) residing in the targeted North Dallas communities.
Their research led, in February, 1989, to the generation of letters of inquiries regarding the formation of a graduate chapter. An exploratory meeting was held at the Marriott Hotel on LBJ Freeway. Approximately thirty (30) Brothers attended this meeting. Brothers Simpkins and Burls presented the feasibility of establishing a chapter and the process applicable to making this dream a reality. In attendance was Brother Frank Drayton from Theta Alpha to lend his Chapter’s support for formation of the North Dallas chapter. Theta Alpha reinforced this support with the submittal of a letter of support which accompanied the application for a charter.
On Saturday afternoon, April 29, 1989 approximately thirty-five (35) Omega men met at the home of Brother Earl Simpkins in Plano, TX. They were informed that all criteria had been met to apply for a charter to establish a chapter to service the North Dallas community. Brothers Simpkins and Burls, with the consensus of the body, proceeded with the application process. In June, 1989, the application for a charter and the names of the potential charter members were submitted. On September 15, 1989, the Supreme Council of the Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc., Grand Basileus Moses C. Norman established the North Dallas Chapter. It was proclaimed to be named ALPHA IOTA IOTA.
Its charter members are:
William Adams III David Ford, Jr. Ronald Silas
Harry Anderson, Jr. William Green Earl Simpkins
George E. Ashford, Jr. Stephen Hodge Leslie Smith
George E. Ashford III Arthur Hunt Spencer Terry
Lindorf Blakely Maceo Johnson J. B. Wallace Jr.
William Burls Darryl Killen Barry Williams
Alcee Chriss Jr. William Lister Rodney M. Williams
Kenneth Chriss Samuel McCloud John Yarbrough
D. A. Davis Theodore McIntosh
The first formal meeting of the new Alpha Iota Iota Chapter took place on Saturday, October 14, 1989 in the Haggard Public Library in Plano. Brother William Burls presided over the meeting. The first order of business was the election of officers: William Burls, Basileus; Earl M. Simpkins, First Vice Basileus; Kenneth Chriss, Second Vice Basileus; Rodney M. Williams; Keeper of Records and Seal; George E. Ashford, II, Asst. Keeper of Records and Seal; Alcee Chriss, Jr., Keeper of Finance; D. A. Davis, Asst. Keeper of Finance; William H. Adams, III, Keeper of Peace; J. B. Wallace, Jr., Chaplain; and Harry Anderson, Jr., Chapter Reporter. These officers were installed by Brother Hendricks Cunningham, North Texas State Representative, on May 12, 1990.
During its first year of existence, the Alpha Iota Iota Chapter was very active in completing the following activities: creation of The Omega Herald (Dec., 1989), a monthly newsletter; conducting the Purple Hearts dance, it first major fund raising event (Feb., 1990); sent representatives to the Ninth District meeting in Austin (Apr., 1990); coordinated its first family picnic (Sept., 1990); held its first corporate worship service at the New Mount Zion Baptist Church (Oct., 1990).
Alpha Iota Iota members in Omega Chapter
Brother Chester Anderson
Brother George E. Ashford
Brother William (Bill) R. Burls
Brother Lawrence Carriere
Brother Cleriona (Bud) Morgan Jr.
Alpha Iota Iota Lineage
Summer 92
Anthony Peacock
Spr. 93
Sean Phillips
Wendell Woods
Spr. 94 Fourteen Dreams Fulfilled
Gary Haskett
Dennis Crosby
Rick Stevens
James Blackshire
Ryan Pullin
Byron Jackson
Darrell Augustus
Freddie Nichols Jr
Steve Roaf
Curtis Owens
Kenneth Gilbert
Cleriona (Bud) Morgan Jr.
Darrell Guy
Walter Smith IV
Fall 94 Ten Souls of Turmoil
Anthony Carter
Jarvis Redmond – PD QUE
Eric Hall
Randy Williams
Daniel Morgan
Kevin Josey
Earl Simpkins Jr
Emilio Henry
Fred Copeland
Anthony Stevens
Spr. 95
Marcus Nelson
James Whitaker
Bernard Brown
Spr. 96 Four the Hard Way
Alonzo Green
Eddie Henderson
Julius Chambers
Tony Ned Jr.
Fall 97 Two Souls Searching
Kenneth Hicks
Darrell Johnson
Fall 98 The Fifth Element
Kevin Ball
Stephen Davis Sr.
Wilbert Domino Sr.
Edgar Green
Eric Peters
Spr. 01 The Six Essential Souls of Omega
Demetriat Mack
Eric Griffin
Lionel Cummings
Jonathan McDonald
Kennedy Bruce
Phillip Jones
Fall 02 Two Degrees of Difference
Michael Price
Ken Burrow
Spr. 05 Three Sacred Souls of Cerberus
John Davis II
Edwin Jones Sr.
Greg Lewis
Fall 06 Three Sons of Quefusion
T.J. Riley Jr.
Carlos Haralson;
Alfred Ernest
Spr. 09 2 is Enough
David McKeever Jr. – DRILL SGT.
Eric Elliott - SHOWTIME
Spr. 10 Two Men in a Mid Que Crisis
William Bradfield - NONQUELANT
Darryl Amos – 3D QUE
Fall 11 K.O.T.C.P.O.T.F.
Carlton Young - QOMMANDO
Reggie Winners - MEGQTRON
Rod Delph – SUB-ZERO
Spr. 13 1 Man 1 Creed
Sean Gregory – All-AmeriQue
Current Financial Members of Alpha Iota Iota
Allen, Leslie Jr |
Amos, Joseph |
Bayne, James |
Bishop, Norris |
Bradfield, William |
Breckenridge, Bernard |
Brown, Kim |
Burke, Earnest R. |
Chambers, Julius |
Clark, D'Oyle |
Cogwell, William |
Coleman, Ray |
Cooks, Michael |
Cummings, Lionel |
Davis, John |
Delph, Roderick |
Earnest, Alfred |
Elliott, Eric |
Ferguson, Darryl |
Gordon, Alfred |
Green, William |
Guess Jr, James |
Guess Sr, James |
Hammons, Henry |
Hartman, Michael |
Henderson, Charles |
Holmes, Ivan |
Hutchinson, Isha |
Johnson, Larry |
King, Jamil |
Lewis, Greg |
Lister, William |
Matthews, Kevin |
McKeever, David |
McQuirter, James |
Mixon, Michael |
Moore, Troy |
Morton, Anthony |
Patrick, Ronald |
Peters, Eric |
Powe, Wayne |
Richardson, Elyven |
Satisfield, Horace |
Silas, Ronald |
Simpkins Sr, Earl |
Smith, Walter |
Sorey, Marvin |
Taylor, Phillip |
Tolen, William |
Turner, Ron |
Williams, Israel |
Williams, Johnathan |
Wilson, Donald |
Wilson, Derrick |
Winners, Reggie |
Young, Carlton |