Jonesboro, AR
Chapter Name:
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Epsilon Alpha Alpha
PO Box 17078
Jonesboro, AR 72403
None Listed
None Listed
David Bell Sr.
None Listed
None Listed
None Listed
About Epsilon Alpha Alpha
I. Birth of Epsilon Alpha Alpha
CHARTERED: September 16, 1978
RECHARTERED: September 16, 2009
(2009 Charter Members: Bro. Jeff Davis, Curtis Carter, Antwaun Sanders, Denishio "Sho" Blanchett, Anthony "Troy" Adams, Ph.D, Adrian Winfrey,
Jerome Stegall)
II. Building the Foundation “ The Early Years”
In early March of 2009, Brother Denishio "Sho" Blanchett pondered to himself, "We really need a graduate chapter in Jonesboro!". Brother Blanchett shared his vision with two Omega men, Brothers Antwaun Sanders and Anthony "Troy" Adams. These two Brothers felt the need was necessary as well and they hit the ground running. One key element was missing...MORE OMEGA MEN! Brothers Jerome Stegall, Curtis Carter, Adrian Winfrey, Joseph Anderson, Keon Morning, James "Deuce" Miller, Jeff Davis, Antonio Warren, Greg Wilson, and Willie Williams all ran to the call of Omega. Although some of these men were not members of the Chapter, they were very supportive of the concept of founding a graduate chapter in Jonesboro, AR. They will never be forgotten!
It was Bro. Anthony "Troy" Adams who coined the chapter's nickname by presenting "Distinguished" to the group. The Omega men voted and thus the "Distinguished" name was bestowed upon our group. The group of men didn't have an official graduate chapter in the spring of 2009. Therefore, they named the group the "Distinguished Omega Group"(D.O.G.) and they governed themselves accordingly. The D.O.G. held monthly meetings at Brother Curtis Carter's Cheers Unlimited gymnasium. The D.O.G. went on to conduct multiple community service projects and donated funds to notable organizations. The D.O.G. worked diligently toward creating the layout for a graduate chapter. The group's meetings would often run well into midnight hours and sometimes into the early morning. The homes of Brother Blanchett and Adams both became a frequently visited "think tank" sanctuary.
Brother Willie"Mercenary" Hinchen presided as the 9th District Representative and granted the blessings for the chapter's reactivation. The initial Epsilon Alpha Alpha graduate chapter was chartered in Blytheville, Arkansas on September 16, 1978. Eaker Air Force Base was located on 3,778 acres of land between the communities of Gosnell and Blytheville in Mississippi County. Originally Blytheville Air Force Base, the base’s official name was changed in 1988 to honor air pioneer and commander of the Mighty Eighth Air Force during World War II, Lieutenant General Ira C. Eaker. The base contributed greatly to the economic and intellectual growth of the primarily agricultural county until it closed in 1992. The chapter charter was dormant for more than a decade. Brother Hinchen advised that relocating the chapter charter to Jonesboro, AR (Craighead County) would be the best move.
The chapter application process was very rigorous and tedious. On August 20, Brother Blanchett, Carter, Anderson, and Adams finalized the chapter's By-laws. The chapter's application was primarily compiled and submitted by Brother Adams. Brother Adams was faced with the adversities while trying to submit the "perfect" application. This was a very difficult task, however; Brother Adams executed the application with much diplomacy and accuracy. The "Distinguished" Epsilon Alpha Alpha Chapter charter was approved and made official on September 16, 2009. Making the graduate chapter the first graduate chapter of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. to be chartered in Jonesboro, AR. The Brothers were elated that they had accomplished their goal. The "Distinguished" Epsilon Alpha Alpha Chapter set out to be one of the greatest graduate chapters known to the 9th District.
The first "Distinguished" Epsilon Alpha Alpha chapter meeting was held on October 18, 2009.
III. Timeline of Superior Service and Accomplishment
The following list denotes noble milestones of THE "DISTINGUISHED" Epsilon Alpha Alpha Chapter:
- Bro. Denishio Blanchett was elected as the first chapter Basileus.
- Bro. Antwaun Sanders was elected as the first chapter Vice Basileus.
- Bro. Anthony Adams was elected as the first chapter KRS.
- Bro. Curtis Carter was elected as first chapter KF.
- Bro. Andrian Winfrey was elected first chapter Chaplain.
- Bro. Joseph Anderson was appointed as chapter Editor to the Oracle.
- Bro. Clarence Williams was appointed as chapter Keeper of Peace.
- The first chapter information meeting was held on December 4th.
- Fall 2009 MSP - Brothers Jarvis Bradley and Demond Davis were the first chapter initiates.
- Bro. Curtis Carter provided the first chapter banner.
- Brother Antwaun Sanders was the first chapter member to receive Life Membership.
- Bro. Anthony Adams initiated the first chapter community service project. Alzheimer Memory Walk.
- Brothers Denishio Blanchett and Antwaun Sanders served as EAA delegates of EAA's first Undergraduate Summit.
- Brothers Denishio Blanchett and Antwaun Sanders served as EAA delegates and represented the chapter during EAA's first 9th District Meeting.
- Bro. Denishio Blanchett created the first chapter Facebook Fan Page for marketing and advertising.
- Bro. Anthony Adams created the "chapter secret" related to the chapter charter.
- Bro. Anthony Adams setup the chapter's NAACP Lifetime Membership.
- Bro. Denishio Blanchett initiated the first chapter donation. $100 Arkansas Chapters of Omega.
- Bro. Anthony Adams initiated the first chapter fundraiser, "Evening of Decadence" desert affair.
- Bro. Denishio Blanchett initiated chapter's "MasQueRade" party. .
- The EAA Chaper held its first Founders Day/Chapter Charter Program on Nov. 17th.
- Bro. Joseph Anderson served as the first MSP Chair.
- Bro. Denishio Blanchett initiated the first chapter "Juneteenth All-White" affair.
- Bro. Denishio Blanchett created the design for the first chapter t-shirt.
- Bro. Antwaun Sanders served as the first chair of Achievement Week.
- Brothers Denishio Blanchett, Antwaun Sanders, Joseph Anderson, Curtis Carter, Jeff Davis, and James "Deuce" Miller attended the first State Representatives Meeting.
- Bro. Denishio Blanchett was appointed as the Arkansas State Graduate Advisor by District Representative Willie Mercenary Hinchen.
- Bro. Denishio Blanchett initiated the "Turkey Give-A-Way" in November of 2009. Brother Curtis Carter served as chair of the "Turkey Give-A-Way".2009
- Bro. Denishio Blanchett initiated the chapters first "MLK Walk". Brother Anthony Adams served as chair of the "MLK Walk". 2009
- Bro. Antwaun Sanders initiated the first chapter "Litter Control Highway Mile" or Adopt-a-Highway program.2010
- Brothers Denishio Blanchett and Anthony Adams received the Omega Man of Year Award. 2010
- Bro. Antwaun Sanders received the Superior Service Award.
- Bro. Jerome Stegall received the Basileus/Founders Award.
- Bro. Curis Carter received the Unsung Hero Award.
- Bro. Darryl Smalls received the Colon Charles Young Military Service Award.
- Bro. Joseph Anderson received the Vice-Basileus Award.
- Brothers Denishio Blanchett, Anthony Adams, Jerome Stegall, and Adrian Winfrey represented EAA at the first Arkansas of Omega state meeting.
- Brothers Antwaun Sanders and Denishio Blanchett represented EAA at the 2010 State Representatives Meeting.
- Spring 2010 MSP - (Initiates: Brothers Kevin Moseley, Woodrow Wilson, Darryle Small, William Haskin, Trent Rochelle, and Clarence Williams). Brother Joseph Anderson served as the MSP Chairman. Bro. Jerome Stegall served as Assistant Chairman.
- Summer 2010 was the chapter's second MSP. (Initiates: Brother Chris Davis, David Bell, Adrian Brown, James Mormon, and Senca Knight). Brother Jerome Stegall serves as the MSP Chair. Brother Anthony Adams served as Assistant Chair.
- Brothers William Haskins, Trent Rochelle, Denishio Blanchett, James Mormon, and Antwaun Sanders represented EAA at the first Spiritual Wellness Workshop.
- African American Perspectives Magazine Articles(2): 1. Citizen of the Year. 2. Juneteenth Family Day.
- Jonesboro Sun Newspaper Publications (2) :1. Citizen of the Year. 2. Juneteenth Family Day.
- The chapter received its first 9th district award in 2010. Scholarship Certificate. Dallas, TX.
- Brothers Denishio Blanchett and Antwaun Sanders served as delegates for the chapter's first Grand Conclave/ Raleigh, N.C.
- Bro. Denishio Blanchett initiated the "Juneteenth Celebration". Brother Trent Rochelle served as chair of the "Juneteenth Family Celebration".
- Bro. Denishio Blanchett imitated the "Stiletto Que Night". Brother Curtis Carter served as chair.
- Bro. Woodrow Wilson initiated the first chapter Domestic Violence Program.
- Brothers Woodrow Wilson and Antwaun Sanders chaired the first chapter Health Fair.
- The EAA Chapter donated $400 to the Jonesboro Red Cross' Haiti Relief Fund (Brothers Denishio Blanchett, Jerome Stegall, Antwaun Sanders, and Anthony Adams was present for chapter picture).
- The EAA Chapter donated $50 to the 9th District Haiti Relief Fund.
- The EAA Chapter donated $50 to the Omega Charities on behalf of the Haiti Relief Fund.
- The EAA Chapter sponsored the NEA Bulldogs AAU Basketball team.
- The EAA Chapter sponsored Byson and Brian Carter (NEA Gymnast) at Florida Nationals.
- The EAA Chapter sponsored the 3rd Annual FCA Divine Nine Day. Forrest City, AR.
- Bro. Blanchett was elected as the Chapter Basileus (second term).
- Bro. Sanders was elected as the Chapter Vice Basileus (second term) .
- Bro. Chris Davis was elected as Chapter KRS.
- Bro. Vandell Bland was elected Chapter Chaplain.
- Bro. Francis Rosevelt Gilliam was appointed as Chapter Photographer.
- Bro. Joseph Anderson was appointed as Chapter Reporter (second term).
- Bro. C.C. Smith was appointed as Chapter Keeper of Peace.
- Bro. Anthony Adams, Ph.D. was honored during at Forrest City Delta Sigma Theta Alumnae Chapter(outstanding accomplishments).
- Bro. Blanchcett was elected as State President. (Arkansas Chapters of Omega).
- Bro. Vandell Bland was appointed as State Chaplain. (Arkansas Chapters of Omega) .
- Bro. Antwaun Sanders was appointed as State Keeper of Peace (Arkansas Chapters of Omega) .
- Bro. Francis Roosevelt Gilliam, M.D. was featured in the Jonesboro Occasions Magazine. (Cardiovascular Care).
- Bro. Denishio Blanchett and Trent Rochell initiated the 1st Relay for Life (American Cancer Association) Fundraiser which led to a corporate sponsorship.
- Bro. Francis Roosevelt Gilliam, M.D. was the guest speaker at the Jonesboro Delta Sigma Theta Alumnae Chapter's Annual Scholarship Breakfast. (guest speaker).
- EAA was featured in the Spring 9th District "Source" Magazine.
- Bro. Denishio Blanchett served as chapter delegate for the Centennial Grand Conclave.
- Bro. Vandell Bland was elected FY 2012 Basileus.
- EAA was featured in the Summer Oracle (Centennial Edition).
- Fall 2011- Bro. Wallace McGaughy was initiated into the EAA Chapter.
- EAA conducted its first Talent Hunt. Helena, AR.
- EAA conducted its first Poetry Night (Black History Month).
- Bro. Denishio Blanchett was appointed Ninth District Webmaster.
- Bro. Micheal Scott was appointed Social Action Chairman of the Natural State Que (NSQ).
- Bro. Denishio Blanchett designed the Arkansas State License plate template.
- EAA set forth it's ASU Football "Game Day" with its Dr. E.E. Just Mentoring Program.
- During the 75th Ninth District Meeting, Bro. Denishio Blanchett received the "Omega Man of the Year" Award.
- Bro. Darryle Small received the Natural State Ques "Col. Charles Young Military Award".
- Dr. Ernest E. Just Mentoring program participated in the Forrest City, AR "Christmas Parade".
IV. Chapter Administrators of Epsilon Alpha Alpha Chapter
- Bro. Vandell Bland, Basileus
- Bro. Joseph Anderson, Vice Basileus
- Bro. Michael Scott, KRS
- Bro. Korymn Sims, Keeper of finance
V. Epsilon Alpha Alpha Members serving on the State Level
- Bro. Blanchett's ended his terms at the President of the Natural State Ques and took office of Immediate Past President. Under Bro. Blanchett's administration, Arkansas received its first state license plate.
- Bro. Trent Rochelle was appointed Keeper of Peace of the Natural State Ques.
- Bro. Woodrow Wilson was appointed Parliamentarian of the Natural State Ques
- Bro. Antwaun Sanders elected to Treasurer of the Natural State Ques.
- Bro. Michael Scott was elected to Secretary of the Natural State Ques.