Rowlett, TX

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Delta Xi
PO Box 828
Rowlett, TX 75030

Charles Lovelace, Jr
Shawn Ferdinand
None Listed
LeShawn Langford
None Listed
None Listed
Steven Singleton

About Delta Xi

Our Mission

Delta Xi (DX) chapter shall be formed by and of Omega Men who aspire to create more than just a model chapter within Omega but rather be the model chapter in all of Omega. Let there be no doubt that the members of Delta Xi chapter are an exceptional group of men bound together with a common bond and a predisposition for Manhood, Scholarship Perseverance, Uplift and high aspirations. Delta Xi chapter will do more than merely allow Omega's light to shine but aim to magnify that light making Omega better with all its deeds. Delta Xi will not be an average chapter within Omega because one of Omega's hollowed founders clearly stated that Omega has no room for mediocrity.

Our Focus

Delta Xi is committed to providing charitable, educational, civic and social programs and services as it participates in the development of youth introduction to manhood. The foundation will devote its time, effort and resources to the creation, planning and implementation of activities and operations specifically designed to uplift the community; thus, improve the quality of life for its residents and provide scholarships to college bound students.


The Omega Men of the Delta Xi chapter are committed to youth based programs in the Greenville community. We have plans to give over $1,200 in scholarships to college bound high school seniors over the next year. The Chapter continues to sponsor other youth based programs focused on uplifting our youth.

Our mission is based on the understanding that our future rests in the hands of those who shall follow. Providing sound positive leadership, by example, is our aim through our basic tenants: Aspiration, Accountability, Manhood, Perseverance, Inspiration, Scholarship and Uplift.


Our History

Delta Xi was originally chartered on April 10, 1976 in Commerce, Tx.
The chapter was founded by brothers initiated in Theta Theta chapter (ETSU) who had graduated, but were still in the area attending graduate school and wanting to remain active in Omega.


Bro. David Talbot was the first Basileus,

The chapter was very active during this period. Membership increased as 5 other men were initiated into Omega through Delta Xi.

As brothers left graduate school and went into the world of work, most in different directions away from Commerce, activity in the chapter dwindled. In an attempt to maintain the chapter and remain financial, the chapter continued to have one annual meeting to sustain Delta Xi. The meeting took place in Athens, Tx. on June Teenth. Eventually the chapter became inactive.


In 1987 a new brother moved to Greenville and determined that the area needed the positive influence of Omega. After meeting several other frats in the area, a plan was formulated to get a chapter in the area. After the existence of Delta Xi was discovered, the brothers decided to reactivate the charter. After several rounds of correspondence with district and north Texas officials, on Nov. 1, 1989, Delta Xi was officially reactivated for Greenville and Commerce with Bro. Robert Woodson as the latest Basileus. Since that time, the chapter has reclaimed brothers from Rowlett and Dallas.


The chapter has expanded with the initiation of three brothers in May 1993, and one brother in April 1994.

Since reactivation the chapter has participated in numerous community uplift activities including a tutorial program, scholarship awards, community and civic leadership. The chapter has also made a name for itself on the local, district, and international level by being small in number, but great in deed.


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