ΣΤFort Bliss, TX |
Chapter Name:
Chapter Number: Chapter Web Site: Chapter Address: Chapter E-mail: Contact Name: Contact #: Contact E-mail:
Sigma Tau
680 Omegauplift.org PO Box 6491 Fort Bliss, TX 79906 borderques@sigmatau-oppf.org |
Vice-Basileus: KRS: KF: Chaplain: Editor: |
Danilo Martinez
Lucian Sweetenberg Jr None Listed Roland Robinson None Listed Garry Kennebrew |
About Sigma Tau |
Sigma Tau Chapter, Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. was organized and officially chartered on February 10, 1961 in El Paso, Texas. Charter members included Brothers James F. Jenkins, Walter L. McCoy, Charles King, Isaiah S. Blakely, and Herbert Kitchin. Brother Walter L. McCoy was elected the chapter’s first Basileus in 1961. Members of the chapter currently span two states, Texas and New Mexico.
Sigma Tau is one of the leading chapters of the Ninth District. Composed primarily of active military, retired military, Civil Service employee’s, and Educators in El Paso and Las Cruces, New Mexico, the Chapter has experienced a continuous stream of Omega Men and attracted others of varied backgrounds to uphold the principles and Omega traditions. Since its inception, the chapter has preserved the trials and tribulations of birth and maturity to execute national and local programs and objectives. From the lean formative years to the present, the chapter has consistently provided scholarship to area students. An exceptional effort was made in April 1968 when some African-American Students at the University of Texas at EL Paso (UTEP) were dropped from scholarships after a boycott of a track meet with Bingham Young University. Sigma Tau provided aid to a number of those students after an investigation of the matter by the chapter.
In executing its social and civic objectives in the community, Sigma Tau has been highly visible and influential. In 1964, the chapter was a pioneer in the establishment of the Inter-Club Council consisting of representative of the Afro American fraternal and social organizations in El Paso. This council has continually served as an effective vehicle for mutual support, cooperation, and coordination among member organizations. Also in 1964, the chapter actively supported the Civil Rights Bill through a letter campaign to congressional representatives for the state of Texas. In 1978, the chapter held its first annual Dr. Charles R. Drew Blood Drive. This annual event serves as a memorial and to assist the local blood services efforts. In assisting the needy, the chapter has provided Family Baskets since inception. In 1976, the chapter offered the complete hospitality of the city of El Paso in hosting the 39th Annual Ninth District Meeting.
Other national programs traditionally executed by the chapter include the Annual Achievement week, Negro History Week, and the Talent Hunt Program. Grand Basileus Avery participated in Negro History Week activities in February 1971 and was highly complementary of the chapter’s efforts. Many outstanding talents have been identified locally through the annual Talent Hunt Program. The chapter’s 1980 winner, Javier Ruiz, performed as the Ninth District representative at the International Conclave in San Francisco.
In addition to attracting many men into its own folds over the past twenty years, Sigma Tau has made numerous Eta, Eta Chapter at New Mexico State University. Recently in 1980, the chapter established Pi Lambda Chapter at the University of Texas at EL Paso after having initiated Undergraduate on these campuses over the years.
Members of Sigma Tau who have served in national or district offices are as follows:
*Brother Jethro L. Hills was elected the Ninth District Representative, and the First Vice District Representative, Ninth District in 1981. Brother Hills served as West Texas Representative, Ninth District from 1971 to 1981; in addition to a number of boards and elected to key positions in numerous civic organizations in the El Paso Area. He was awarded the Extra Miler Award by the National Council of Christians and Jews in 1978 for his contributions to the advancement of brotherhood.
*Brother Samuel W. Smoak was elected West Texas Representative, Ninth District, in 1981. Brother Smoak served on the National Audit and Budget Committee in 1949 and as District Marshal in 1976. He also served on several local boards and elected positions in local civic organizations.
Sigma Tau has indeed met the challenge over the past twenty years and has represented Omega admirably in the Southwest. The chapter has established itself as a powerful positive force in the community. During the coming years the chapter foresees different challenges related to the economy and a need to steer more toward the political area and the assurance of our national ideals.
The following Lines of Sigma Tau Chapter El Paso, Texas Dating back to 1987 are as follows with changes pending:
Fall 1987
4 Sons of Psiqo
Carl Franklin
Bernie Furnace
Joe Durr
Mike Memurrow
Fall 1997
Ron Rogers
James King
Benjamin Gardner
Fall 1999
Four Dawgs of Funk
Lonnie (Dog Nastee) McNair
Roscoe (Saltee) Jennings
Dexter (Super Que) Brookins
Kenny (Ghost Dog) Davis
Fall 2001
Fabulous 4
Samuel (Jokers Wild) Morgan
Demetrius Fields
Jimmy (Chess Mate) Chest
Phillip (Chocolate Thunder) Rowland
Spring 2002
400 Degrees
Daryton (Psiqo) Ramsey
Darrell (Jacuzzi) Haley
Lyle (Too Cold) Weaver
Dwayne (Suge) Bernal
Spring 2004
Everett (Da Bus) Lewis
Fall 2006
Freddie (Setback) Mac
Spring 2007
No Name Ques
Daryl (Lil Daryl” Robinson
Lorne (Sam I Am) Sam
Spring 2008
Freandre (DaRambler) Pool
Edward (Razorback) Williams
Summer 2009
Operation Que or False
Albert (Chaos) Tubbs
Scott (Covert) Wesley
Spring 2010
Wonder Twins
Kevin (Quesified) Carlisle
Donald (Quesin) George
Spring 2011
3 The Right Way
Edwards (Jiggy) Parsons
Harry (Mega Mind) Ferguson
Cedric (Maverick) Mclean
Fall 2012
5 Unconquerable Souls of High Aspirations
Joseph Williams
John Hale
Lionel Macklin
DeAndre Little
Wayne Griffin Jr.
Spr 2013
LeKeith Artis Quick Step
Byron Ross Querent
Richard Smith Quadroon
James Brown Querimonious
Milton Roberts Qlash
Stephen Clark Heart AttacQ
Rodney Brown GAQ
Thomas Oates EQuivocal
William Rippey, Jr. InacQurate
“Friendship is Essential to the Soul”