Port Arthur, TX

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Xi Upsilon
Basileus:, Dennis Johnson; Vice Basileus, Clifton Lewis; KRS, Roman Leveige; KF, Stanley Spooner; Chaplain,
P.O. Box 1311
Port Arthur, TX 77641

None Listed
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About Xi Upsilon

Xi Upsilon Graduate Chapter

 (Omega Psi Phi Fraternity)

Port Arthur, Texas


Xi Upsilon, the Graduate Chapter, Located in Port Arthur, Texas, was founded on February 17, 1952. Some of the founders are Bro’s George Lacey, A. Tennison Miller, Josh Harris, Leroy Arceneaux , and Charles Freeman to name a few. These men set into motion events that have lasted and contributed to the community the past Sixty years.  The Chapter begin giving scholarships in nineteen seventy- five. Since that time, scholarships have been awarded to young aspiring students continuing their education at institutions of higher learning. The chapter has awarded approximately thirty-eight scholarships, totaling $25,000, since the beginning of the new millennium in addition to contributing years of service to the community. An example of the enormity of the hours contributed by the chapter in the past thirty- four  years the calculations indicate 60 decades of service have been rendered by members, totaling 219,000 days or 1,752,000 hours of community service.  The members of the chapter come from varied backgrounds, education, law, petrochemical, counseling, medical, private enterprise, real estate, and insurance.  

Our chapter is committed to providing quality service to the community we live in and we have a continued commitment to the youngsters of Southeast Texas.






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