ΡΘPrairie View A&M University |
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Rho Theta
134 Prairie View A&M University Prairie View, TX 77446 |
Vice-Basileus: KRS: KF: Chaplain: Editor: |
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About Rho Theta |
Rho Theta History
In the 1960s, Greek letter organizations existed as Graduate/Alumni Chapters in the City of Prairie View, Texas, with a heavy concentration of members as faculty and staff at Prairie View A&M College. For a decade, Greek letter organizations attempted to get recognition and acceptance on the campus of Prairie View A&M College. Finally, in 1970 the administration granted the Omega Psi Phi Fraternity the opportunity to apply to establish a chapter at Prairie View A&M College.
Several events led to the Chartering of Rho Theta Chapter at Prairie View A&M College. In 1968, a group of undergraduates pledged and were initiated on May 25, 1968, into Theta Chi Chapter, Prairie View, Texas. Brother William Anderson pledged with Lee H. Mosley, Eddie J. Shuler and Tommy E. Eustace through Theta Chi Chapter. Brother Anthony "Tony" Holiday was the Dean of Pledges for this line. Mr. Hulen Davis and Dr. Martin, both of Theta Chi, were the faculty advisors. At this time, Greek letter fraternities were still banned from the Prairie View A&M College campus. In 1969, Brothers Rick Sadberry, L.T. "Blind" Danford, Bobby "Bo Bo Dickhead" Duncan, Leo "Wop" Thomas, Al Williams, Kenneth “Petey” Pulliams, and Philip "Ajax" Strambler drove to the fraternity house in Houston, Texas every day in Rick Sadberry's white Volkswagen to pledge to become members of the Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. The line name (Nu Phi 69) was "Afro Minus 1”, and were initiated into the Nu Phi Chapter, on August 22, 1969. Brother Eddie Shula was the Dean of Pledges. In the Fall 1969, Elton Martin, Pete Rucker, and James Isabell pledged at Prairie View A&M College. Since Rho Theta was not chartered at Prairie View A&M College, these men completed the requirements, only to come off line and finish in the Fall of 1970 (through Rho Theta Chapter).
On February 19, 1970, Brother Philip Strambler, K.R.S, wrote a letter to the National Headquarters of the Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, requesting the necessary forms for initiating a Lampados Club and information concerning requirements to charter an undergraduate chapter. He stated he had a group with GPAs ranging 2.51 to 4.00, the group maintained 15 hours and had accumulated 30 hours, they were good potential Lampados and future Omegas of true spirit in accord with our four cardinal principles, and he had at least 8 men. On March 2, 1970, Brother Philip Strambler, wrote a letter to H. Carl Moultrie, NES, and reported Prairie View A&M College was going to admit fraternities as a part of the college family. He stated he was transmitting the necessary forms to establish a pledge club and these men may be pledged by Theta Chi Chapter immediately and on the night of initiation be made into the new chapter. On April 1, 1970 the Form No. 15, application for an Undergraduate Chapter Charter was submitted with Brothers William Anderson, Theta Chi, May, 1968 and Philip Strambler, Aug, 1969 as applicants already members of the Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. through Dr. C.D. Henry, Ninth District Representative, with the names of 21 applicants not members of the fraternity. This form was submitted by Kenneth H. Briggs, Sponsor, Theta Chi (Graduate) Chapter, Prairie View A&M College. In a letter to Brother H. Carl Moultrie, Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc., dated April 20, 1970, completed forms 2 and 3, along with two cashier’s check were remitted. Dr. Briggs requested a tentative initiation date of April 25, 1970, and that Brother C. D. Henry preside at/over the initiation ceremonies. In a letter dated May 7, 1970, Brother H. Carl Moultrie transmitted the Charter for Rho Theta Chapter at Prairie View A&M College to Brother Charles D. Henry, II, 9th District Representative. He also transmitted a letter of congratulations on behalf of the Supreme Council.
The Bloody Rho Theta Chapter, of the Omega Psi Phi Fraternity. Inc. was chartered on April 25, 1970. The two Charter members were Brothers William “Jigger Red” Anderson, Theta Chi, May, 1968 and Philip “Ajax” Strambler, Aug, 1969. The chapter founders were William Anderson, Phillip Strambler, Kenneth Pulliams, Alfred Williams, Ricky Sadberry, Bobby Duncan, Eddie J. Shuler, Leo Thomas, Lee Moseley, Tommy Eustace, Kenneth Brown, and L.T. Danford. The name of the Charter Line was Tri-7 (21). The sponsor/faculty advisors were Dr. Kenneth Briggs and Mr. Charlie Richard.
In April 1974, Brother Royle “The Wolf” King was elected Basileus. Brother King became the first Basileus that was initiated in another chapter, Omega Theta, Spring 1971. There were two (2) significant events to occur during his tenure (Chapter participation in the first National Conclave Step Competition and the Chapter’s 5th Anniversary).
In September 1974, Brother King recommended that the Chapter celebrate the 5th anniversary with a picnic. The brothers unanimously accepted idea. It was also voted upon that the brothers would sell hot dogs / chili dogs and have dances to fund both events. Brother Dewey Brigham (Vice-Basileus) was appointed as Fundraising chairman. The success of the fundraising effort was to identify someone(s) that could sale or convince people to buy the food. Brothers John Asberry and Lafayette Randle were appointed as chairmen for the food sale committee. The outstanding support from the students (mostly ladies) and the hard work from the brothers allowed the Chapter to purchase a five hundred pound cow in November, and cover the expenses for approximately twenty-one brothers to travel to Phoenix, Arizona for the Conclave.
Brother Charlie Richard went to an auction in Navasota and purchased a cow for the brothers. Brother Richard also stored the cow and had it processed by the University Agriculture Department. The picnic was held behind the University on Brother Richard’s ranch. The brothers had the following menu for the picnic: Assorted Beef, Chicken, Chapel Hill Sausages and assorted side dishes catered by Swann’s Barbeque Restaurant in Hempstead. Brothers from all over the district attended this event. The Chapter made the Qnic an annual celebration.
The 1st National March Down of the Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc., occurred during the 56th Grand Conclave, held in Phoenix, Arizona, in December 1974. Rho Theta Chapter represented the 9th District in this inaugural event. The Marching Team, known as “The Country Ques“, was made-up of twelve (12) brothers, lead by March Master Edward “ET” Thomas. The team’s attire was T-Shirts (alternating purple and gold), blue jeans with the letters Omega Psi Phi, and full beards by most of the brothers. The Chapter officially lost the competition by one (1) vote but was selected as the People’s Choice.
The Bloody Rho Theta Chapter, with 4 decades in existence has initiated over 325 brothers into this great fraternity. Bloody Rho Theta has a rich tradition of Marching and Winning. Additionally, Bloody Rho Theta has a rich history in demonstrating scholarship in the areas of Arts and Sciences, Engineering, Architecture, Nursing, Education, History, Mass Communications, Mathematics, Political Science, Business, Computer Science, Economics and Athletics. Rho Theta has a long line of officers, warrant officers, and non-commissioned officers, Army, Air Force, Navy and Marines, that have were trained in ROTC at Prairie View A&M University and have gone on to serve in many military campaigns in the Armed Forces. Rho Theta Chapter has a rich history of leadership as demonstrated by holding the highest positions of Student Government President, ROTC Commanders (Army & Navy), Drum Major, Pan Hellenic Council, Yearbook Staff, and Class President.
The Bloody Rho Theta Chapter has a $350,000 endowment fund on the campus of Prairie View A&M University, the largest endowment of a Greek lettered organization the campus. The name of the Rho Theta Chapter, Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. endowment fund is The CPT Lee Roy Thomas Jr. Memorial Scholarship. Scholarship money will be given to recipients known as Rho Theta Scholars. As with all endowments, only the interest on the gift (approximately 5%) is spent, thus the biannual scholarship award will be approximately $8,750 distributed each semester for two scholarships and two Brothers of the chapter. The recipients will be selected on the basis of student leadership as well as good academic standing and being an active member of Rho Theta Chapter, Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. The CPT Lee Roy Thomas Jr. Memorial Scholarship intends to aid with tuition and fees and possibly supplement other financial aid so that the recipient will not need a full time or part time job to make ends meet. Rho Theta Student leaders have a tremendous obligation of their time for attending meetings, campus events, and ceremonial activities in addition to their studies. They represent Rho Theta Chapter and Prairie View A&M University to both the student body and the public. The prestige of their leadership role distinguishes the University in the eyes of their Brothers and Advisors, in the media, and to the public at large. It is fitting that they should be introduced and known as Rho Theta Scholars to add to the prestige of such an honor having been established at the University. There is no chapter that lives the motto of “Friendship is Essential to the Soul” like Bloody Rho Theta Chapter